

multi-channel video projection | 2012

Excursus is a collaborative project conceived by Sara Baird and Christopher Perryman. It is a kinetic, multimedia sound performance founded in part by The Media Arts Project, Community Grant. I worked as a collaborative video artist.

The project explore the ideas of progression, regression, departure, and arrival by traveling to various destination – physically and conceptually. Excursus takes place within and around a mobile, multi-functional, rolling rickshaw vehicle that has the ability to transform. The artists envision three pivotal metamorphoses during the performance with shifting incarnations from vehicle, to shelter, to ship. Performed at Camp Rockmont, Black Mountain, North Carolina, during the {Re}happening 2012.

Other participated artists: Julie Becton Gillum, Kimathi Moore, Amanda-ray Danko, Jenni Cockrell, John Crutchfield, Valeria Watson-Doost, Monika Gross, Kathleen Hahn, Melissa McKee, Rachel Thomas-Levy, Dash Lewis and Rachel Whitlock.

April 18, 2012